Client Insight

Value Assessment
Assessing if there is an opportunity that might have been missed.

Building an Ecosystem
Drawing a unique road map with a new approach and trusting the process.

Implementation Supervision
Happily handing over the co-created product.

Understanding customer needs and the unique mechanism of your company.
Bolder Choices

About truefish
'truly what something is said to be; authentic.'
If 'genuine' means more than a handshake with your neighbour and
more than treating your customer right, then for truefish,
'it is a story to own and to share.'
Sandra Villinger Schaer

Below we’ve provided some info on how we work,
Are workshops overrated?
Creating insight into diverse topics, motivating to explore new areas and catalysing co-creation is arguably the fastest way to get results. In other words No, no they aren't.
When is visual facilitation adequate?
When it's there, to represent simple to complex information, to advance teams in their capacities and tapping on collective intelligence.
Why would I hire an external workforce?
Getting an unbiased outward view from not just anyone but a professional eye trained to see the things that you have missed is helpful in growing even further without getting tangled in old ways of doing things.
Test & learn supersedes good old strategies?
In combination, they make a powerful duo and contribute to sustainable action. As a single measure, they can easily get off trail.
What makes a strong brand?
A powerful brand reflects attitude and actions to create the desired experience.
'Small fish in a big pond'.